Initial Prospectus Review

Part I


Write a  300-word response to the following:

  • Based on the review of your draft 1 (See attached), what new knowledge or concepts have you learned to help with revisions.
  • Convey your progress and/or barriers that have had an impact on your progress.


Part II


In the past couple weeks, you should have reviewed feedback and given much thoughts and consideration of your proposed research; this includes programmatic and methodology alignment. In this discussion, lets revisit these concepts. Consider your research problem statement, purpose, and research questions alignment in terms of the subject or topic area along a continuum to the most appropriate research method and design.

  • What is (are) the research variables?
  • Explain how your problem statement, purpose, research questions and research design are aligned.
  • How is the subject aligned with the DHA program? Consider Significance of the Study content.
  • Share at least 2 research studies you have located that address the appropriateness of the research method and design.


  • Use the prospectus attached as a reference. 

For both parts:

*Do not use quotes in the discussion. This is space to hone your scholarly writing skills.

*Important notice: do not use .com reference sources, as most represent commercialization of content and not considered scholarly or peer-reviewed.




Develop your Problem Statement, Purpose of Study, and Research Questions sections.


  • Adhere to the Doctoral Phase 2 – Precis section found in the CDS Dissertation Guide on CDS Central.
  • Review the CDS Dissertation Guide on Problem Statement, Purpose of Study, and Research Questions.
  • Review and adhere to format in the Dissertation Template on Problem Statement, Purpose of the Study, and RQs.


Combined, these sections should be 3-4 pages long.


  • Reminder content must be scholarly framed, not personal narrative of your beliefs or opinions that have overtones of research bias.
  • No .com references, dissertations or other proprietary sources.
  • Do check all in-text citations and references to adhere to 7th ed APA formatting.


Please review previous orders for feedback to do it correctly. 


Writer, please review messages related to the order. This is related to a dissertation and should be treated with the importance it deserves. 


Progress and Background of the Problem

Part I


Write a 300-word response to the following:

  • Based on the week-1 discussions with your faculty and peers, what did you learn new about the dissertation and research process. What concept(s) is(are) unclear?
  • What course(s) was(were) most helpful in preparing you for dissertation research?
  • Convey your progress and/or barriers that have had an impact on your progress.


Part II

Write a 300-word response to the following:

The Background on the Problem section serves as the scholarly foundation for the proceeding Problem Statement. This section should be at least 3 pages with several peer-reviewed references supporting and building up to the Problem Statement. This section addresses the “why” for the research study, and also lay the foundation for Chapter 2 Literature Review.

  • Briefly summarize key findings from at least 3 peer-reviewed references that outline the research problem. Include at least 1 historic reference. 


For both parts please use APA Guidelines, in text citations and a reference page.

*Do not use quotes in the discussion. This is space to hone your scholarly writing skills.

*Important notice: do not use .com reference sources, as most represent commercialization of content and not considered scholarly or peer-reviewed.

Opening Paragraph and Background of the Study

Develop your opening paragraph and background of the study or problem. Adhere to the Doctoral Phase 2 – Precis section found in the CDS Dissertation Guide on CDS Central. Review the CDS Dissertation Guide on background of the problem.


Note: The opening paragraph/statement should bring the reader into the topic; the background of the study/problem should frame the problem and identify the gaps and/or deficiencies from prior research. It is important to present why the study should be pursued and for whom the study is important.


The open paragraphs can be 2 paragraphs. Then the Background of the Problem begins. Together, these should be 3-4 pages long.


Ensure use of doctoral level APA guidelines, include in-text citations and a reference page. Background will be submitted attached as  base ground as well as example template instructions.


Part 1

Apply APA Guidelines for both parts. 


Review the Chapter 1 Development PowerPoint attached.

Write a  300-word response to the following:

  • How will you achieve alignment between your research foundational elements (or triad – problem, purpose, and research questions) and the research method and design?


*Do not use quotes in the discussion. This is space to hone your scholarly writing skills.

*Important notice: do not use .com reference sources, as most represent commercialization of content and not considered scholarly or peer-reviewed.


Part 2


Write a  300-word response to the following:

  • Be sure to check CDS Central for the Dissertation Template for format.
  • Locate and review a dissertation in ProQuest with similar research variables and methods. Briefly summarize and share what you learned new, and what concepts confirmed.
  • (Previous dissertations can not be used as references in your research, not peer-reviewed. Yet review of previous dissertation good to understand content flow and structure.)