5 page research paper on affects of ssri s on depression in psychology in apa format

APA Format

This research document will summarize and discuss a complex issue in your discipline and present your proposed position/solution to that issue. It is less concerned with your (the author’s) personal opinion on the issue than with the quality of your evidence and whether you present a rationale for your position which is relevant to your chosen audience.

Your research paper (RP) should draw upon your annotated bibliography to discuss a specific or issue that is being addressed by professionals in your chosen field/discipline in venues like professional, trade, or academic journals, web sites or other media. The RP should summarize and discuss the issue and the research you found and try (ethically) to persuade the audience to think, believe or do what you want them to about that issue. Your essay should summarize not only evidence which favors your outcome, but the evidence which favors other possible beliefs or outcomes, and explain why your outcome is preferable to others despite the opposing evidence.


Research papers can take a variety of formats, especially as they vary from field to field. But there are some common elements which I expect to see in your papers.

  • A title which makes the paper’s focus, purpose, and intended audience clear.An example might be “Healthy Food Choices in Cafeterias: A Paper for University Food Service Personnel” as opposed to “Healthy Food Choices in Cafeterias: A Paper for University Meal-Plan Students”.
  • An Introduction / Overview
  • Appropriate citation of all quotations, paraphrases, and references to other sources
  • A Conclusion/Recommendations
  • Some attention to any views which might oppose your own, and some explanation of why you don’t subscribe to such views
  • A bibliography cited in your field’s preferred citation format.You will NOT need to include the annotations from your bibliography, but you WILL need to formally cite ANY source mentioned or drawn upon in your paper.

Other Details

  • Like the annotated bibliography, the paper will incorporate information from at least ten reliable scholarly and/or professional sources. It will cite these sources appropriately both in the body of the text and in the bibliography or works cited section at the end. These may or may not be identical with the sources listed in your annotated bibliography.Obviously, if you read through a source in the annotated bibliography phase but found it useless for some reason, it’s unlikely to be cited in your actual paper.
  • It MAY, but need not, include graphics or visuals (labeled and cited correctly, if borrowed.)
  • It MAY, but need not, includeheadings (and perhaps subheadings, if necessary) dividing your paper into clearly defined parts.
  • It will be geared to a specific audience (see title.)
  • Minimal length should be in the neighborhood of 2500 words, including bibliography and references.It may go longer; it’s probably difficult to do justice to any complex topic in much less than that.
  • It will be double-spaced in the body of its text, excluding visuals (which may be spaced in any of a number of ways specific to your disciplines—check your chosen format), bibliography (most citation formats single-space bibliographic entries), and perhaps block quotations (some citation formats single-space these as well.)When in doubt, FOLLOW YOUR CITATION FORMAT’S GUIDELINES!Do not make guesses at what the format should be; do not combine formats; do not trust EasyBib or its kin to get the format right (it often does not); and do not make formats up.Can you IMAGINE what would happen to the credibility of a nurse or engineer whose documents were a hash of AMA, IEEE, and APA formatting?Or what parents would say to a teacher who was trying to teach kids to cite consistently, but couldn’t do so himself or herself?Imagine it.Then don’t do it.