Annotated Bibliography
As we were introduced into conducting background research on your topic of interest.
The purpose of this is to see what is out there on your topic and, ideally, triggers curiosity into a sub-topic that you would like to learn more about.
For this assignment, you are to complete the following template with at least five (5) sources on your topic. These sources can be academic (scholarly) or non-academic.
After you have completed the template, you will complete a reflective summary of the activity. In 200 words, address the following:
- How was this activity beneficial?
- What additional categories would you add to the template and why? Are there any you would remove and why?
- After engaging in the background research, reflect on your progress with your topic – any changes or obstacles you anticipate? Be sure to elaborate and explain what changes and how you may work with any obstacles.
You can simply add the summary at the end of the bibliography template.
Annotated Bibliography
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTemplate
10 pts Full Credit
Completed the template with five (5) sources, addressing each column.
7 pts Partial Credit
Completed the template but less than five (5) sources and/or did not complete all the columns.
0 pts No Marks
10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflective Summary
20 pts Full Credit
Addressed all of the questions/prompts with comprehensive and thoughtful answers. Met or exceeded the word count.
15 pts Partial Credit
Addressed most of the questions/prompts, but answers lacked depth. Did not meet the word count.
10 pts Partial Credit
Did not address half of the questions/prompts. Answers were incomplete and lacked any effort. Did not meet word count.
0 pts No Marks
20 pts
CREATIVE Capstone Research Log Name
Research Questions (list below) Topic:
Source Citation Type of Source
*Scholarly article, website,
interview, video or audio recording,
exhibition, eyewitness account,
photograph, etc.
Summary of Main Points:
Research Questions It Potentially Answers:
Paraphrased Ideas and/orDirect Quotations
*If you are copying and pasting, you are recording a direct quotation. Be sure to place quotation marks around the text to indicate it’s quoted.