Career Thought

General Occupational Themes

Identify your RIASEC Code i.e. SAE (social artistic enterprising) and go to

Click Create an Account

Enter Access Key: CA01218 – Click Next

Click on College – Santa Monica College – Select Next

Enter your personal information. Create a user Account Name and Password, you will use this each time

Write down your account name and password!

Provide secret question and answer to help if you forget your password

Check box if you agree to the privacy policy and terms of the site and then click Next

Click on Create Your Account

Start using Choices360!

Click on Career Planning – in the menu bar

Click on Explore Careers – in the menu bar

Click on Career Finder – under Career Exploration Tools

Then in column to the left click on “Interests”

Then choose your top TWO occupational themes i.e. “Social” and “Artistic” or input just one theme code Then click on “See Your Matching Careers”

Review the potential careers – SELECT ONE and PRINT OUT the first page of the description of the career.

  • Turn this in with your write-up.
  • If not turned in you will lose 5 points on your homework.

Summary and Review of Your Strong Interest Inventory

  • Discuss what you learned about yourself? What are the themes you see in your results? e. working with people, ideas or things?
  • In reviewing your occupational scales discuss what careers were you excited to see, what careers were a disappointment and why . Which one might be the best fit for you? Why do you think you would enjoy this work?

Type in to search: “interview with (occupational title)

See What You Can Find! : )

Watch an interview and then write about what you were surprised to hear, what you liked, would you continue to look into this career why or why not?

  • Tell me what you learned about yourself with your overall assessment results – surprises, validations, or disappointments. What might your next steps be to make a career/major decision? I.e. Meet with a career counselor, obtain an internship, volunteer, research colleges, etc.

Minimum of 1 Page

Required To Be Typed

1” Margins All Around


Career Thought #4 – Interests/Strong Interest Inventory

Your Name and Date