consulting report 3

Country: Brazil

Company that does not have a presence in the country under consideration: IKEA


Students will work on this assignment in their groups. This assignment is designed to sharpen collaborative research, analytical, and business writing skills. Each team will analyze the business environment in a selected country and prepare recommendations for a hypotheticalor actualclient seeking to do business in that country. Teams will prepare a Consulting Reportassessing the challenges of doing business in the selected country in the client’s business sector or industry.This paper will incorporate a country report providing an overview of the country’s regional and national context and a brief description of the client’s industry or business sector. The team needs to identify the attractiveness of a given country for market entryand identify asuitable strategy for the company to enter the designated country. The report must provide rationales for the selecting a particular strategy and specific ideas for implementation of the strategy

Because this is a group report, I just need to be done the following:


  • What is the company’s stage of internationalization?
  • How successful have they been in their internationalization efforts?
  • What are the main lessons (if any) that can be learned from their past internationalization experiences?
  • How much emphasis should the company put on its internationalization process? Why?
  • Should the company devote significant resources to the internationalization process?
  • What are the main criteria that the company should use to identify new countries/markets to enter? Why?

Body (part 1): You should then assess the attractiveness of a given country for market entry. Based on information collected about the country’s external environment and product-market level information. Be sure to briefly discuss different components of market attractiveness and market potential.

  • Please include a brief analysis of the competitive situation that the firm will face. How will they succeed against competitors in the target market?
  • What are the main barriers to entry that the company may face?
  • Is now (at the current stage of internationalization) a good time for the company to enter this country? Or should the company pursue other markets (local or foreign)?
  • Should they devote significant resources to market entry?
  • Given the competitive situation and barriers to entry, why should the company enter this market at the present time with this product?

Doublespaced,12 point font size, about one and half pages (around 375 words)