document writing 1

Use 1 of the movies listed below as a case study to analyze the dynamics of the story and characters through the structure and human resource frames. There is a link provided for each movie that enables you to stream it at a very minimal cost, if you do not have access to the movie. Each movie is also available through iTunes; however, you need to access the app store through your device and search for the title.

You will likely have to watch the movie once for context (if you have not already watched it), and then watch it again to gain the details necessary to appropriately apply the concepts of each frame. Alternatively, you may need to pause and rewind to achieve the same result, so plan your time accordingly (and it may be easier to watch it alone).

These guiding questions may be helpful for your analysis. You may not address every question based on the movie you selected, this is just a guide to get you thinking about the course material as you watch. Please remember that your mid-term submission is not a question and answer document. You are to analyze the information you find and present it in a paper that is 6-8 pages in length.

  • Is there a vision? If so, what is it?
  • Is there a mission? If so, what is it?
  • Is there a purpose? If so, what is it?
  • Are there core values? If so, what are they?
  • Are there conflicting values? If so, explain.
  • Who are the main players and what are their roles? Why?
  • Describe the Social Architecture (what is the arrangement of roles and relations within the “organization” designed to maximize organizational effort)?
  • Is there differentiation (division of labor or allocation of work into specialized roles)?
  • Is there integration (is there coordination of individual work roles)?
  • Is there vertical coordination (do higher levels coordinate and control the work of subordinates through authority, rules and policies, and planning control systems)?
  • Is there lateral coordination (is there less formal and more flexible relationships that function through formal and informal meetings, task forces, coordinating roles, and networks)?
  • Is there organization-environment interface (can the “organization” make changes as the environment dictates)?
  • How does the structure impact group effectiveness?
  • How is the team motivated?
  • How are the team’s needs being met?A
  • Do the characters progress through the stages of group dynamics? If so, how?
  • Are there good or poor interpersonal/intergroup dynamics? Explain.
  • How is the team empowered?
  • Is diversity promoted? How?
  • Is “fit” important (are the right people in the right roles)?
  • Do the people on the team feel valued? How?
  • Describe whether the characters adhere to the principles of “theory-in-use”.
  • What role does emotional intelligence take in contributing to the success of the team from both a leadership and group member perspective?
  • Is there a formal and informal hierarchy structure?

Your paper should be written at the college level, adhere to APA guidelines, and include a reference list. Any sources used must be cited properly, including the movie, using in-text citations and a references page.

  • Dead Poets Society (2:08:00)
  • Lean on Me (1:48:00)
  • Mona Lisa Smile (1:59:00)
  • Ocean’s Eleven (1:56:00)
  • Ocean’s Twelve (2:02:00)
  • Remember The Titans (1:53:00)
  • Stay By Me (1:28:00)
  • We Are Marshall (2:11:00)