The purpose of this assignment is to engage in critical thinking about potential project topics. At this point, your focus is on identifying your interest(s) and working towards an appropriate scope for your research project.
For the purposes of these early stages, don’t worry too much about the form your final project will take, and focus on developing a solid foundation to begin your research process in the next assignment.
- 1. First, identify 3 to 4 areas of interest. (Ex-golf)
- 2. Next, select one area of interest and answer the following questions. You can do more than one area if you would like – this is the early stages of topic development so if this initial topic doesn’t work out as you work through your research, you simply can return to this assignment and do the same with a different topic.
- 1. What do you already know about this topic? What is your experience with this topic? What have you learned related to this topic in college?
- 2. What is your perspective on this topic? What are your feelings about this topic?What is important to you about this topic? What motivates you to pursue this topic?
- 3. What would you like to find out about this topic? What do you think you need to know about this topic?
- 4. What direction(s) could your topic take you in? What are further areas of interest related to your topic you could explore?
- 3. Within your area(s) of interest, identify some subtopics and keywords you might want to explore. (Ex- environmental impacts of golf; history of golf; gender equality in golf; increase in course length over time, etc.)
While there is no word count, please take the time to thoroughly answer the questions completely and in complete sentences. The work you do here can save you time and energy!
This initial work will serve as the basis for your upcoming Lightning Talk where you will briefly present your ideas to your classmates and instructors to gain feedback on where this research project can go.
Finding Your Topic – Invention
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAreas of Interest
5 pts Full Credit Listed 3-4 areas of interest.
3 pts Partial Credit Listed less than 3 areas of interest.
0 pts No Credit Missing
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Reflection on Interests
20 pts Full Credit
Addressed all of the questions/prompts, providing detailed and comprehensive responses that will assist in building a strong research project
15 pts Partial Credit
Addressed the questions/prompts, but provided basic responses that lack depth and do not encourage curiosity.
10 pts Partial Credit
Addressed some of the questions/prompts; offered basic responses that lack any depth and will not be beneficial in building a strong research project.
0 pts No Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubtopics & Keywords
5 pts Full Credit
Listed subtopics and keywords that can help narrow the scope of the research focus.
0 pts No Marks
5 pts
Total Points: 30