see the requirements 72

The Assignment: In an expository essay of 2,000 words or more, address one of the following prompts. This essay should feature a well-developed thesis and appropriate evidence to support your claims. Be sure to provide thorough analysis of all quotes and examples, and include your own perspective or stance on the topic.

EDIT: If you choose Option #1, you must engage and cite at least two essays assigned in this class, and two outside nonfiction sources. If you choose Option #2, you may use one or more article from HW #7 but you must include at least four sources total.

Option 1: Discuss the authors’ stances on animal testing, eating animals, and/or other interactions between humans and animals. In what ways are these interactions harmful or beneficial? How should people interact with animals? Should animals be granted rights? (The Case for Animal Rights; An Animal’s Place; Consider the Lobster)

The Articles (For Option 1): The outside sources can be any nonfiction essays of your choice. You may choose to use news articles, personal essays, research essays, academic articles from the DVC Library database, or any combination that relates to your topic. The outside essays may bring a new perspective on the topic, present a counter-argument to the assigned text(s), or provide an example that supports your claims.

Option 2: Pick an ongoing or recent event or situation that is part of the news. Give context and background for the situation or event. Who is affected? Give the various perspectives on the event. Give your stance. What should be done? What would be the result of taking this action? Provide examples to support your claims.

The Articles (For Option 2): Your sources should be legitimate news outlets that adhere to journalistic standard. (Note that this does not mean that the source is unbiased; all writing has some form of bias.) I recommend news sites like The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Democracy Now, NPR, BBC, The Nation, The Atlantic, The Guardian, The Economist, etc. (You are not required to use these; they are simply suggestions.) It would be most helpful if your articles are in-depth rather than a few brief paragraphs.

Format: This essay will be in MLA format. This means it will be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font (I prefer Times New Roman), with page numbers and your last name on each page, and a header on the first page. Your title should be original, and you must include a Works Cited page. Be sure to include in-text citations in the body of the essay. For help with MLA formatting and citations, please see the handouts on Canvas in the folder called “Files.”

Note: Words and phrases that are underlined on this page will be taken into consideration when grading.

Choose the option 2

Choose the option 2

Choose the option 2

Choose the option 2

Submit a rough draft of your essay 48 hours later. This should include the following, at minimum:

  • an intro paragraph with thesis statement
  • at least two body paragraphs with quotes/examples
  • at least two outside sources should be included

1,200 words minimum