week 4 discussion reply

Please reply to the following post 100 words one reference each

#1 Shannon Del Orbe Been

1.The CNO of a large community hospital is interested in applying for Magnet status, thinking that going through this process would raise the status of nurses in the hospital and quality of nursing care. What strategies would the CNO may use to move the organization in this direction?

As a Chief Nursing Officer, earning magnet recognition will create opportunity for organizational advancement, team building and enhancement of individual professional self-esteem. Magnet designation impacts the organization in countless ways. Everything from pride among nurses to innovation and collaboration flourishes. These improvements impact not only nursing but all hospital departments. Organizations must meet certain eligibility requirements to be considered for the Magnet Recognition Program. To be eligible, the ANCC states the facility must comply with federal laws pertaining to nurses in the workplace (ANCC,2020). The facility must employ a master’s-prepared individual who serves as the CNO overseeing nursing practice and standards for the organization.

Registered nurses in leadership roles must hold at least bachelor’s degrees in nursing. Nurses who work at Magnet-designated hospitals often benefit from the high quality of service and collaborative culture that these facilities promote (Platts, 2018). This additional recognition offers a facility’s nurses an opportunity to be recognized for their work. For those facilities looking to earn the recognition, it offers the nursing team a unique opportunity to work toward important benchmarks and improve patient services. Nurses who are looking to work at Magnet-designated hospitals can start by advancing their own education with an online nursing degree. An advanced degree can make nurses more attractive candidates for hospitals and facilities striving for excellence.

2. Provide and briefly explain some Ethical Principles of Nurse Administrators?

Ethical issues happen when choices need to be made, the answers may not be clear, and the options are not ideal. The result could decline in the quality of patient care, problematic clinical relationships, and moral distress, which is defined as knowing the right thing to do but not being allowed or able to do it (2016). Nurse administrators are susceptible to ethical issues and moral distress because of their leadership and mentoring roles. Nurses and other medical staff look to supervisors for appropriate and ethical decisions. Some issues include autonomy vs beneficence, healthcare needs vs resource allocations, science vs religion, and integrity vs protecting information. Before stepping into a role as a nurse manager, registered nurses (RNs) should understand the role ethical decision-making plays in the day-to-day work.


Platts, B. A. (2018). Magnet Excellence—One Hospital’s Experience. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 18(2), 136-144. doi:10.1080/15323269.2018.1437504

Resolving Ethical Issues. (2016). Ethical Decision Making for the 21st Century Counselor, 287-310. doi:10.4135/9781071801154.n13

#2 Stephanie Mortimer-Wallace

Magnet status is an award given by the American Nurses’ Credentialing Center (ANCC), an affiliate of the American Nurses Association, to hospitals that satisfy a set of criteria designed to measure the strength and quality of their nursing staff (ANCC). A magnet hospital is considered a hospital where nurses deliver exceptional patient care and achieve excellent patient outcomes. These nurses have a high level of job satisfaction; therefore, there is a low nurse turnover rate. When hospitals have Magnet status they are said to have superior nursing involvement in data collection and decision-making in patient care delivery (ANCC). In these settings nursing leaders tend to value their nursing staff by involving them in shaping research-based nursing practice, and encouraging and rewarding them for their advancement in the nursing practice.

The strategies a nursing leader should use to attain Magnet status should be to encouraging open communication between nurses and other member of the health care team, and utilize an appropriate personnel mix to achieve the best patient outcomes and staff work environment. The nursing leader should also seek to enforce that nurses provide the best care possible to patient and their families by using the best evidence-based research available. The CNO should also ensure that all nursing standards and nursing ethical duties are upheld.

Nursing Administrators acquire ethical responsibilities for their organization, patients, nursing staff, and the healthcare profession as a whole and they are sometimes forced to make decisions that are unsafe for both the patient and their staff members (Durham-Taylor & Pinczuk, 2015). Nursing Administrators must bear the burden of proper nurse allocation to provide the best care to patients or met demands from executives to decrease budgets. According to Durham-Taylor & Pinczuk 2015, nursing administrators must have a economical and beneficial ethical principles in order to promote an fiscal situation as well as ensuring that patient are receiving safe, competent care (pg. 334).


Dunham-Taylor, J., & Pinczuk, J. Z. (2015). Financial management for nurse managers: merging the heart with the dollar. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

ANCC Magnet Recognition Program Retrieved 5/26/2020 from https://www.nursingworld.org/organizational-programs/magnet/