What everyday activity or product have you chosen to present? Why did you choose this activity or product? Why is it important?

Human Impact on Climate Change PowerPoint

After learning about  several ways in which our everyday actions impact    climate change, choose one  action to conduct more research on and create a   PowerPoint presentation to tell  us more! Use the unit material and reliable    online resources to gather more  information.

There are several  ideas with information throughout the unit but there is    even more information  out in the world! Think about what you do every day, and    how the activity uses  energy or natural resources. Think about a product you    buy—how it was made, what  natural resources were used to make it? You can also    do a quick google search of  “everyday activities that effect the environment”      and start reading some  articles for more ideas.

Remember to use  reliable sources from the internet. There is a lot of    misinformation out there  and finding reliable information can be difficult.    The best sources of reference  material for your presentation are scientific    journals found in the CSU library  databases. You can also find reliable    statistics at organization websites listed  in the Unit under “Combat Climate    Change.”

Your presentation  must include:

  1.    What   everyday activity or product have you chosen to present? Why            did you choose   this activity or product? Why is it important?
  2. Connect   the activity/product to its impact on the environment and            climate change. How   does doing the activity or making the product use            natural resources, disrupt   habitat, impact wildlife or other effects on    the            environment?
  3. Report   data and statistics, with references, on how this            activity/product effects the   environment.
  4. What   can people do to decrease the activity/product’s impact on the              environment?

Be sure to follow  the formatting and guidelines provided below:

  • Must   include at least three visual aids.
  •  Must   include three reliable references. At least one source must come            from the CSU   Online Library.
  •  Use   bulleted information on slides (5 lines or less).
  •  Include   details in the speaker notes (more information that you would            say during an   actual presentation).
  •  Include   a separate title slide and separate reference slide.
  •  Use   an appropriate font and background.
  •  Include   at least nine slides, but not more than 15 slides (not            counting your title   slide and reference slide).
  •  Use   correct APA format for references and citations, and use correct            grammar and   spelling.