Which two cases always have the same form in plural?

1. Which ending CANNOT be correct for the neuter accusative plural?

2. Which ending CANNOT be correct for the genitive plural?

3. Which two cases always have the same form in plural?

4. What is the dative singular ending for a 4th declension noun?

5. What is the ablative plural ending for a 5th declension noun?

6. Which of these nouns is in vocative case?

7. Which case is used for the indirect object?

8. Which case shows possession?

9. Which case can be used to show place where?

10. A noun ending in -is may be translated all of the following ways EXCEPT which?

11. Choose the correct translation of the underlined phrase.

Pueri paucos dies cum amico manserunt.

12. Choose the correct translation of the underlined phrase.

Caesar will return to Rome within three years.

13. Choose the correct translation of the underlined phrase.

Parietes insulae magno cum fragore ceciderunt.

14. Choose the correct translation of the underlined phrase.

The soldier beat his horse with a stick.

15. Choose the correct form.

_____ senatorem in foro audivimus.

16. Choose the correct form.

Flavia dixit, “_____ puella Romana sum.”

17. Choose the correct form.

Davus fabulam (to them) non narravit.

18. Choose the correct form.

That boy is my brother!

19. Choose the correct translation of the underlined word.

Omnes epistulae quas senator scribit sunt longae.

20. Choose the correct form.

Diana erat dea (who) sagittas portabat.

21. Choose the correct form.

Who is going to the game tonight?

22. Choose the correct form.

Cornelius (to himself) litteras scribit.

23. How must an adjective agree with the noun it modifies?

24. Cornelia lupum __________ in agro spectavit.

25. Which of these adjectives agrees with the noun matres?

26. Choose the correct form.

(Many) cives in urbe habitant.

27. Choose the correct translation of the underlined word.

She is certainly the best equestrian on the team.

28. Which of the following is NOT an acceptable translation of the superlative degree of an adjective?

29. Choose the correct translation of the underlined word.

Magister antiquum librum diligenter aperuit.

30. Choose the correct translation of the underlined word.

Multi viri celerrime ab Asia navigaverunt.

31. Choose the correct translation of the underlined word.

The gladiator fought well in the area.

32. Complete the analogy.

fortiter : fortissime :: __________ : pessime

33. Choose the correct translation of the underlined word.

Marcus est altior quam Sextus

34. Tarquinius Superbus erat crudelior __________.

35. Give the positive degree of the superlative adverb maxime.

36. Which of the following forms is identical to the comparative adverb?

37. Choose the correct translation of the underlined phrase.

Haec arbor est altior by five feet

38. Who was raised by a centaur?

39. Who defeated the Minotaur?

40. Medusa was one of three what?

41. What was the small, flat area in front of the stage in a Roman theater called?

42. What was the first permanent structure built for the gladiatorial games in Rome called?

43. What was the barrier around which the chariots would race called?

44. Which god was NOT angered by Odysseus at the end of the Trojan War?

45. What book, other than the Odyssey, was written by Homer?

46. Translate the following paragraph as literally as possible.

Ubi Hercules finem fecit, Pythia primo tacebat; deinde tamen iussit eum ad urbem Tiryntha abire, et omnia quae Eurystheus rex imperavit facere. Hercules ubi haec audivit, ad urbem illam contendit, et Eurystheo regi se in servitutem dedit. Duodecim annos crudelissimo Eurystheo laborabat, et duodecim labores, quos ille imperavit, perfecit; hoc enim uno modo scelestissimum crimen expiari potuit. De his laboribus poetae scripserunt plurima. Multa tamen quae poetae narrant vix credibilia sunt.