word length 1600 words case analysis


  • – Identify and critically evaluate ethical problems based on your understanding of ethical theories and prior research. 
  • – Reflect on your own ethical beliefs
  1. Complete the questions on TWO  case studies 
  2. 1/ What Are the Relevant Facts?
  3. 2/ What is the appropriate accounting treatment for this type of issue?
  4. 2/ Who Are the Primary Stakeholders and why are these persons/entities Primary Stakeholders?
  5. 3/ What Are the Ethical Issues? Include the different perspectives of: utilitarianism, rights and justice
  6. 4/ What Are the Possible Alternatives?
  7. 5/ What Are the Practical Constraints?
  8. 6/ What Actions Should Be Taken?
  9. 7/ Which alternatives would you choose and why?

Word Length: 1600 words