writing final aziz

This assignment has three parts to help you edit WP4.

Part I: Your Eyes

  • If it is possible, PRINT WP4. You will catch more sentence level issues on hard copy than on the screen.
  • Read your essay out loud, slowly. Mark errors to fix as you go. Reading out loud helps you see what’s acutally on the page.
  • Since this is a long paper, I would break it into sections and do a couple pages at a time. Another strategy is to edit paragrpahs starting at the end progressing backwards thorugh the essay.

Part II: Another Set of Eyes

  • Find someone else besides you to help edit your paper. Someone unfamiliar with your work will catch the places where something doesn’t make sense.
  • You have several options of WHO could be your second set of eyes.
    • You may have a friend or family members who would be willing.
    • Using the people tab, you could connect with another student from the class and exchange essays.
    • You could schedule a tutoring appointment through Stritch Pass.
    • You could submit your essay to the OWL (Links to an external site.) (remember that you can only submit 5 pages per day).

Part III: Reflection

After you have edited your essay and you have had another person look at it with/for you, please write a brief reflection that descirbes your process for your individual edit (PART I) and your “annoter person” edit (who did it for you) (Part II). Then, descirbe the type of edits you most commonly identified (for instance, did you fix a lot of fragments, or commas, or word choice). Turn in your reflection for credit. [DO NOT TURN IN YOUR WP4 for this assignment, just your reflection.]