USA Up and Coming Herbal Medicines – Cannabidiol (CBD)

Paper must be all inclusive on CBD including the below topics (no particular order). Please advise on the length as I cannot gauge it with the outline below. Charts/graphs are allowed where applicable. Sources must be reputable (i.e. no Wikipedia).

– History (where derived, how processed, how long CBD has been around, biggest harvest areas in the US, harvest seasons, other country usage etc.)
– Treatments (What is it being used for and why)

-How/where is it being supplied (i.e. Dr. Offices, internet, stores, popup shops , new supply ideas being explored in the US etc.)

-Legality of Use (Including states where legal, ages, states where partially legal, licenses required for supplying/use etc.)

– Popularity and Controversy of CBD in the US

– Presentations (i.e. oils, topical, edible etc.)

– Differences/similarities between what is being supplied from different companies (what makes one company better than another)

– Manufacturers (US manufacturers including area, quality of material, testing, where supplied etc.)

– Food and Drug Administration Involvement (how is it received by the FDA, is it supported/not supported and why)
– Major Markets
– Current/Future Market Supply including costs, competition, 5 year projections etc.