2 assignment just editting

I expect at least 90 points.

1) Thoreau essay – I already did the essay just journal part is missing. it should be first person

2) I already have a essay, but some part is missing. you just need to complete it. All 9 links that were included with your assignment prompt must be addressed.

Since we are unable to engage in a Socratic discussion due to COVID you will writing a 5- page first person journal response for the civil rights links listed below. Watch the links/documentaries in the order they’re listed. There may be a couple of parts in the Citizen King documentary that may not work (all the links work for me but some have said they couldn’t open parts 2, 12, 13 – if this happens to you reflect on the parts that do open). Remember that your response is a 5-7 page MLA formatted first person journal reflection of all of the civil rights pieces assigned. You have to address each of the pieces in your response – no credit will be given for partial responses and you have to tie everything together into a cohesive civil rights/King response. Do not give me a book report by ONLY listing what each piece is about – you have to submit a first person response – what did you glean/learn from each piece and how it is applicable in today’s world – tie all the pieces together. Your response has to be a cohesive response akin to what you did with the in-class write on 9/11 at the beginning of the semester. This has to be a thoughtful response should you start it as soon as possible. Additionally, I will accept no late work for this assignment.

Mike Douglas interview with Martin Luther King: cc

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SfH2uMayks (part1)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FQIlE-WlM8&feature=relmfu (part2)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvB5a9_XJ3I&feature=relmfu (part 3)

Eye of the Storm: cc


No Easy Walk: cc


John F. Kennedy June 11, 1963 Voting Rights speech



Citizen King: Youtube: PBS Citizen King Parts 1-13

MLK I Have a Dream Speech: cc


Curtis Mayfield’s People Get Ready: Don’t watch the video portion – downside the video so it’s not viewable and just listen to the audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdKEbnS1eBE

Sam Cooke’s A Change is Gonna Come: Don’t watch the video portion – downside the video so it’s not viewable and just listen to the audio



Miri Ben Ari’s Symphony of Brotherhood:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfz1hJZPsxM