A reference note formatted according to APA style guidelines. The reference note is not included in the total word count.

Read the articles by Baker & Pifer (2011), Gardner (2009), and  Smith & Hatmaker (2014). These articles and the persistent links to  them are located in the Course Materials for Topic 2.

Provide an annotated bibliography (750-900 words total, excluding the  reference notes) of the articles. Including the following for each article:

  1. A reference note formatted according to APA style guidelines. The reference note is not included in the total word count.
  2. An annotation (250-300 words) of the article. Annotations are  descriptive and critical assessments of peer reviewed articles.  Annotations summarize the key concepts and evaluate the article for its  strengths and weaknesses. Why was the study conducted? What was the  population studied? What did the researcher(s) conclude? What other  information about this study do you believe is unique or important to  recall? Are there specific statements made by the author you wish to  retain?