answer the following 11 questions cognitive psychology

Work together – use the book – Google stuff!!

Book required: Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience , 5th EditionE. Bruce Goldstein

The idea to to answer each question using the language from the class (AKA Vocabulary).

Do not try and just use the words to use the words – but each answer should be a paragraph to explain your thoughts on the question.

For Example – Here is the answer for Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Judgement and Decision Theory.

When you have to make a decision what factors come into play?

When faced with a choice between two possible outcomes you have to either, just choose on and brace for it (Free choice) or you have to use cognitive tools to evaluate possible outcomes (Beysian logic) and use your beliefs to guide you choice . You can try to use deductive reasoning where you take available knowledge and apply it to the situation to find a response that has logical outcomes (deductive) or you can make some observations and collect some data to predict outcomes (inductive). Both types of reasoning are limited if you have incorrect knowledge – or rush to judgement because of limited observations. We automatically Judge situations before we have all of the data.

In most human minds we try to determine the future cause and effect of almost everything around us (judgement) looking for purpose and intent in a world full of chaos. We use our conceptual understanding of things and apply those heuristics and algorithms to new situations, but they are always biased because of the self serving bias that comes from personal perspective.

1.) “Chapter 1 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology”

Where did the idea of Cognitive Science enter Psychology?

2.) “Chapter 2 Cognitive Neuroscience”

Explain the use of Voxels, and how it is being used to validate bottom up and the top down processing theories.

3.) Chapter 3 Perception”

Please use this painting to explain Top Down and Bottom Up processing. (the document provided is the image. image 7985)

4.) “Chapter 4 Attention”

Can humans pay attention to more than one thing at a time?

5.) “Chapter 5 Short-Term and Working Memory”

How is working memory and short term memory the same, and how are they different?

6.) “Chapter 6 Long-Term Memory: Structure”

“Chapter 7 LTM: Encoding, Retrieval, and Consolidation”

What determines if something is stored into Long Term Memory? What factors do Interference add to retrieval, and Consolidation?

7.) “Chapter 8 Everyday Memory and Memory Errors”

What creates Episodic memories and are they based on the top down or bottom up level of processing? What can create False memories or faulty recall?

8.) Chapter 9 Conceptual Knowledge”

How does the connection of semantic categories create a concept? What does this bike and the sign have to do with conceptual formation? (image 7986)

9.) “Chapter 10 Visual Imagery”

Picture a tree in your head –

Picture it on an island –

Picture it on an island in Alaska

Picture it on an island in Alaska in December

When you are imagining something, you are creating the semantic details of that thing. What creates the pattern to produce the images?

10.) “Chapter 11 Language”

This chapter really is difficult – what creates a language? How does changing your vocabulary change the way that the language is received?

11.) “Chapter 12 Problem Solving & Creativity”

Use ideas from the Concept chapter to explain the problem of fixedness in problem solving. How can you teach creativity?