answer the following questions 460

chapter 13

Please answer the 11 questions in bold face type, and 1 of your own choosing.

  1. What was meant by the term “manifest destiny”?
  2. How did horses and European weapons change the Plains Indians?
  3. How did the Election of 1844 hinge on the issue of expansion”?
  4. What were the benefits of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo for the United States?
  5. What was the Free Soil movement?
  6. Briefly discuss the land and racial issues that emerged in California after the Mexican American War?
  7. Why was California’s application for statehood problematic, and what was the Compromise of 1850?
  8. What methods did slaves and abolitionists employ to counter the federal Fugitive Slave Act?
  9. What was the Kansas/Nebraska Act and what effect did it have?
  10. Describe the emergence of the Republican Party; what did it stand for?
  11. What is the meaning of the term “Bleeding Kansas”?
  12. What was the Dred Scott Decision and what effect did it have?
  13. What was Abraham Lincoln’s view of slavery from the 1840s into the late 1850s, and how did it evolve?
  14. What was “popular sovereignty” and what was Stephen Douglas’ Freeport Doctrine?
  15. Who was John Brown?

chapter 14

Please answer the 10 questions in bold face type and 1 of your own choosing.

  1. How did secession come about, and where did the sentiments for it originate?
  2. Discuss the Upper South’s reaction to the secession of the Lower South?
  3. According to Jefferson Davis, what was the South fighting for, and what did they need to do to achieve independence?
  4. Why did Lincoln dismiss General McClellan?
  5. What did “total war” mean in the context of the Civil War?
  6. Briefly, how did the North and South mobilize resources with which to fight the war? How was the war financed?
  7. What was contraband, and how was it controversial?
  8. Why did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation when he did and what did it mean?
  9. What were the consequences of the victories at Vicksburg and Gettysburg happening at the same time?
  10. After Vicksburg, what did Grant think of the “cautious tactics of previous Union commanders”?
  11. What was General Sherman’s “hard war,” what was his “bold strategy” after taking Atlanta, and how did he justify his unconventional plan to Grant and Lincoln?
  12. What was the reasoning behind the need for the Thirteenth Amendment?
  13. Was the Civil War necessary? Many argue that it was not, that slavery would have died out within a few decades (it certainly would have, that’s unquestionable), and that the war was a tremendous loss of money, lives, and resources that could have been avoided. What do you think?