critical commentary wildlife

Critical commentaries are an analysis of all four readings for a given topic, and involve three key steps: reading, synthesis writing, and critical evaluation. no outside sources can be used only the attached readings i will attach down here.

instrusctions of the paper:

Write a two-page (700-900 words, not including the References section) critical reflection on all of the week’s readings which i will attach below, including comments about common themes, the utility of the arguments presented, strengths and limitations of the ideas and arguments presented, and missing or future directions for research on this topic. That is, you are expected to critically engage with the main arguments advanced in the readings and comment on this engagement.

Each commentary should focus on responding to the following questions:

-What are some general ideas, concepts, arguments, or themes that run through all or most of the readings?

-What are the strengths and/or limitations of the readings’ arguments in relation to each other? (Assess that quality of the argument. Is it defensible?)

-Have the readings changed your understanding of the subject matter or challenged your assumptions? How?

-What future research would be relevant for this topic?

as for referencing

-Critical commentaries should incorporate all four of the required readings for the Topic, and no outside sources

-Use in-text references (in APA format) every time you draw from one of the readings (i.e. author’s last name(s) and publication year)

-Complete each reference is APA format