group project peer evaluation 1

8:00 am – Security is notified that an individual matching the description of Smith has entered ABC Financial Inc. with several firearms. The individual demanded and obtained an employees’ access control badge in the lobby and gained full access to the building.

  • Referring to the detailed emergency response the team developed, what preparations should the company have in place to handle this situation?

The preparation ABC Financial Inc. should have in place to handle this situation of a possible John Smith entering the building should be that security should take immediate action in locating the person in order to prevent any harm employees in the building. If it is indeed John Smith who has entered the building, it can lead to a possible active shooter attack. As this is not the type of building where employees bring firearms to the workplace, seems to be a high possibility that it is John Smith that entered the building unlawfully. Warnings and notifications should be sent immediately to all departments as well as contacting 911 for emergency response. Since John Smith does have full access to the building, an immediate lockdown will be placed in which everyone should shelter-in-place in order to seek safety. The lockdown will follow by disabling all control badges to prevent unauthorized access of John Smith.

  • What specific plans should have been established prior to the incident?

Specific plans that should have been established prior to the incident are to conduct a risk assessment in order to identify the threat and risk that fired employees may pose towards the company or other employees. Analysis of the vulnerabilities and impact will allow them to develop a plan of mitigation strategies in an event an incident does happen. Therefore the management of each department should be made aware of the recent employee termination and the possible signs of the type of individual John Smith appears to be. Enforcement of protective action for life safety training should be gone over with their employees of their specific department as soon as possible to educate them in an event of violent actions or an active shooting.

  • What are the immediate considerations?

Immediate considerations to take action of is how will this incident jeopardize the lives of all employees and the assets of the company. A thorough emergency plan that’s developed for protocols of protective actions in a quickly timely manner should be practiced to ensure effectiveness of shelter-in-place and lockdown. Especially if firearms are involved, safety is prioritized in this situation.

8:02 am – What decisions and actions should you consider now that 911 has been called by Security:

  • What are your concerns?

Now that 911 have been contacted by Security, the main concern should be for the safety of all employees and protecting company assets. Since John Smith was able to obtain an access control badge, it is a more of a priority to enforce shelter and safety of the people. If individuals aren’t quickly efficient in seeking shelter for the lockdown, it can put their lives at risk of being targeted, attacked or put in danger.

  • What are your immediate actions?

Immediate actions to take as security is to prioritize the safety of everyone and as soon as it seems clear that all individuals has sought shelter and safety and no one is out, they can take their own protective measures as they first should find out the location of where John Smith is at. Depending if the securities are armed or not, will depend on the actions they can take such on proceeding on locating the individual from a safe distance to deescalate the situation or seeking shelter themselves if possible in the control room so they can have a visual of the person’s every move. They should stay on the phone with the 911 operator so that they can communicate with law enforcement prior to arrival so that once arrived, they can efficiently perform their police operations.