man 3240 discussion 2

To: Organizational Behavior Consultant

From: CEO

Our marketing department has come up with a great new avenue for our organizational consulting company – we will now consult with companies on recruitment videos that depict the individual company’s culture! Recruitment videos are a great way for our clients to share their company’s culture. This could be a great revenue source for us, and you are just the right person to launch this new service. What I will need you to do is draft a memo to each company with an example of a recruitment video that you think will match its culture. We will work with 2 different companies:

Dress4Success: This company is in retail sales and has been selling a high end line of work clothes for over 50 years, and is proud of its long tradition of dressing the business person for success.

Tech-IT: This company is an engineering company that is on the cutting edge of new technology. The company believes it needs to be very competitive with other technology companies in finding employees.


For your first post:

  1. Analyze some of the recruitment videos from the links below, and find one example recruitment video for Dress4Success and one example recruitment video for Tech-IT that depict the culture that would best apply to these companies.
  2. Create two memos (at least 300 words each), one directed to Dress4Success and one directed to Tech-IT.
  3. Identify the recruitment video you chose that is an example of their company’s culture by including the link to it.
  4. Discuss the importance of organizational culture, (use the text materials).
  5. In your memo, explain to each company why you would recommend our company create this type of recruitment video for them to use to showcase their company’s culture. (For example, if the client published children’s books, a good example of a recruitment video would be one showing a creative, fun and playful culture. You would choose a more serious culture if the client published books on politics).