midsummer s archetypes in horror

Based on the responses from the previous discussion board, three characters emerged as the most engaging/compelling: Puck, Titania, and Bottom.

As we have previously discussed, Shakespeare (as most playwrights) employed archetypes as the bases for his characters. With the three characters of interest, we see the following archetypes:

  • Puck (the trickster)
  • Titania (the mother)
  • Bottom (the clown)

Again, this is not to suggest that Shakespeare’s characters are simplistic archetypes. Instead, they are starting points upon which Shakespeare builds significantly more complex and multi-faceted characters. Similar to Shakespeare, other narrative writers use archetypal foundations and adapt those archetypes to suit their ends.

In anticipation of our final collaborative work, for this discussion board I am asking you to examine archetypes further, particularly how they can be manipulated in the genre of horror.

For each archetype I am providing two possible films.

  • The Trickster
    • A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
    • Creep (2014)
  • The Mother
    • Ma (2019)
    • Misery (1990)
  • The Clown
    • The Shining (1980)
    • An American Werewolf in London (1981)

I am asking that you screen at least one of the films for the character archetype you wrote about in your previous discussion board. Then you will respond to the following question:

How does the film manipulate the archetype’s characteristics for horrific ends? In other words, what elements of the archetype can be used to make the archetypal character terrifying?

The films are available via this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PdbNYxhoQzQnk8KsO-maAoXNxG4bbmoT (Links to an external site.)

Your responses should be specific and employ clear enough examples so that those who have not watched the same film as you can respond effectively.

Once you have posted your answers, I am asking that you reply to at least 2 of your classmates.

Answers will be graded on a 3 point scale based on the comprehensiveness and specificity of your answers and will be counted toward “Guided Reflections”. Each reply to a classmate will count as 1 point (totaling 5 for the assignment overall).