need two different papers on race and inequality in the united states

Both of these papers revolve around a previous paper I have already completed which I will disclose to you so you can reference it to help you complete the following two new papers.

First Paper:

The first paper prompt asked you to evaluate the roles of various forms of racism in producing the inequality described in The Origins of the Urban Crisis.

In light of what you read in The New Jim Crow, please reevaluate your argument from the first paper. You may either maintain that argument and extend it to include material from The New Jim Crow or you may revise your argument entirely. In your response, please be sure to explain how the issues discussed in The Origins of the Urban Crisis (i.e., housing and employment discrimination and an ideology of white supremacy) relate to the issues addressed in The New Jim Crow (i.e., mass incarceration, the criminal justice system, and an ideology of colorblindness).

The paper must be a minimum of 7 pages

Second Paper:

The first two paper prompts have asked you to consider the systemic, institutional, ideological, cultural, and other forms of racism that created and sustain racial inequality in the United States. In this paper, I would like you to consider how one might approach a reform or revolutionary agenda to durably halt the cycle of racial caste that Alexander identified in The New Jim Crow.

How does real change happen? Changing the culture? Reforming institutions? Tearing down old institutions and creating new ones? What might a real dismantling of white supremacist systems look like to you? How do we achieve your vision?

In your response, please be sure to directly address the main proposal of the Coates essay, “The Case for Reparations,” in which he writes, “A crime that implicates the entire American people deserves its hearing in the legislative body that represents them. John Conyers’s HR 40 is the vehicle for that hearing.”

The paper must be a minimum of 10 pages

Professor explicitly made this comment regarding the second paper so be sure to utilize the readings : (I will send you documents of the readings mentioned below)

“From the syllabus, I specifically want to see engagement with the following sources in order for you to achieve full credit for the paper: Alexander Ch. 6, Jardina, DiAngelo, and Coates. You are welcome to also make use of other course materials, including prior assigned readings, in-class documentaries, Power point notes from Blackboard, and your service-learning experience”