Professional Profiles Summary guidelines Reviewing

Put Your Best Profile Forward

A social

” data-hasqtip=”81″>culture; it is becoming routine to complete an online search of applicants, as well. Most of us have an online presence-sometimes created by others, like your company’s website or being mentioned in a newspaper or school newsletter. There is little you can do about how you are represented by others. But you have control over how you present yourself. Who are people seeing when they are looking at your profile online?

For this Assignment you will learn to review online social

” data-hasqtip=”50″>Read the White article, ‘Will your Facebook profile sabotage your job search?’, in this week’s

Laureate Education (Producer). (2014c). Professional profiles[Interactive file]. Retrieved from

Draw employers with a dazzling digital footprint. (2012, February 1).
The Star (South Africa).

PLEASE BE SURE TO USE THE MEDIA LINK TO EVALUATE PROFILES. In text references and citations are required.