sex shop analysis

In this assignment, go to one of the websites for a boutique sex shop in Philadelphia.

For example:

Kink (

Condom Kingdom (

Sexploratorium/Passional Toys (

The Velvet Lily (

Once you have selected the website, please conduct what sociologists call a general “content analysis” of the site. What is the overall tone, feel, or vibe conveyed by features such as images, text, and formatting? Is the site easy to navigate? What sort of users have the designers of the website for? When you read the “About Us” page, what kinds of messages are conveyed by the local shop (is this inviting, informative, elitist, off-putting, tasteful, raunchy, etc.)? Are prices reasonable? If this kind of analysis is difficult, it may be helpful conceptually to just look at the site for Condom Kingdom, a shop with a much more novelty-item approach, and compare it to the others.

Second find an object for sale on the site. Considering sexual script theory, what sexual meanings are there assigned to this object by the store and/or marketers of this device? What cues make you know this is something sexual and intended for sexual purposes? What sorts of assumptions about sexuality are built into the device and/or packaging?

Please write 1-2 pages on the experience and your analysis, including:
A detailed description of the store (minimum 250 words)
A description and analysis of the chosen object and associated sexual meanings (minimum 250 words)