Sexual Response

According to Kelly (2014), Masters and Johnson, who were among the first to scientifically study the body’s physiological changes during sexual response, developed a four-phase model involving excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Kaplan proposed a three-phase model that views sexual response as beginning with psychological desire with a subsequent buildup of blood and muscular tension, followed by reversal of these states as triggered by orgasm.

Explain both sexual response models, and describe the similarities and differences in sexual responses between men and women. In your response, include one of the following:

  • Refer to and integrate ideas presented in the Kelly textbook. Cite the textbook at least twice within your discussion. (Kelly, G. F. (2014). Sexuality today (11th ed.). Clarkson University: McGraw-Hill.)
  • Chapter 1, “Cultural, Historical, and Research Perspectives on Sexuality,” pages 5–22.
  • Chapter 4, “Human Sexual Arousal and Response,” pages 76–98.
  • Chapter 5, “Developmental and Social Perspectives on Gender,” pages 99–129.
  • Cite at least one scholarly resource to support your discussion. Do not use Web sites such as Wikipedia.

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