The Institutionalization of Business Ethics

Good morning, how are you? This week I only have 3 assignments, so it will be less work. I hope that’s ok.

This week’s assignments:

ASSIGNMENT #1: Discuss and provide constructive feedback on at least 2 other teams’ presentations

*** I will post 2 powerpoint presentations from my classmates on Thursday for you to provide 2 separate constructive feedbacks (1 for each), in the mean time, please get started with assignments #2 and #3 so that it can all be turned in by Thursday, if possible ***

ASSIGNMENT #2: Watch the Business Ethics Minute: “Gibson Guitars Rock the Workplace” found at Discuss the issues posed in the video.

ASSIGNMENT #3: Read “Case 8: Zappos: Delivering Customer Satisfaction” pp 475-484. Answer the questions at the end of the case.

The link to the case:

Please let me know if this works for you. Thank you.