Week #4 – Chpt. 9&10

Your response to each question should be at least one page long, maximum tow pages. Use size 12 font and double spaced with maximum of 1″ margins. Please no plagiarism, the instructor will check. Please use only original work. Save put questions on the same page.

There are two questions for this assignment. Use the following websites to review and then answer all four questions for each website.

·  The Davis Group – www.thedavisgrouptx.com

·  Media Solution – www.mediasol.com

·  Zenith Optimedia – www.zenithoptimedia.com

1. There are three sides to the media business; planning, buying and selling. Media planning and media busying are often in house functions at an advertising agency, while sellers are those who represent the various media to clients, agencies and media-buying services.

a. Who is the intended audience (s) of the site?

b. What is the site’s purpose? Does it succeed? Why or why not?

c. What is the company’s purpose?

d. Does the company specialize in any particular segment (consumer, business to business, agriculture, automotive)?

2. Apply the creative process and the various means of deriving and judging “good” advertising to the following Websites, noting the quality of the creative and the strategic intent behind the work. Be sure to answer all of the questions below for the following websites.

·  Xbox – www.xbox.com

·  Nissan – www.nissan-usa.com

·  Sea World – www.seaworld.com

a.  Who is the intended audience of the site?

b.  What is it that makes the site’s creativity good or bad? Why?

c.  Identify the “who, why, what, when, where, style, approach and tone” of the communication.

d.  Write an objective statement, support statement, and brand character statement for each.