Module 02 Written Assignment – Supporting Family Requests

Being an effective early childhood professional requires you to step outside your personal beliefs and acknowledge parents and families as the child’s primary teacher. In the spirit of cross-cultural competence and anti-bias education, there will be times when you will need to put aside your cultural beliefs and opinion in order to support families. Therefore, in your written assignment this week we are going to practice.

Choose one parent request from the list below that could go against your personal beliefs. In your first paragraph, share how your personal beliefs may not align with the parents’ request. In a second paragraph, outline some questions you would ask the parents in an effort to seek understanding of their request. In a third paragraph, outline a plan to meet the parents’ request. Do not focus on how you can help parents see things from your point of view. Rather, you will need to focus on how you can support the parents’ request.

Scenario/Request – Aung Sanda is a 2-year-old girl in your once/week early childhood class, her family recently emigrated from Burma. Her parents have let you know that anyone from their apartment complex can drop off or pick Aung Sanda up from school.

Scenario/Request – Shu-Ling is a 7-year-old girl in your school age program. Shu-Ling’s family has asked that you share any behavior concerns or problems with the Shu-Ling’s father only. When her mother or grandmother picks Shu-Ling up every day, they do not want to discuss any concerns.

Scenario/Request – Yusef is almost 3 years old. He is in your early preschool classroom at a child care center. His parents insist that it is the teacher’s responsibility to feed, clean, and dress Yusef at school.

For your final paragraph, reflect on how it made you feel to set aside your personal beliefs and share if you think this is something you could do as an early childhood professional.

Homework Questions

Discussion Questions: Based on the required readings this week from Reicher, Haslam and Silke, what do they have to say about these fundamental factors that lead individuals toward terrorism? Also, the U.S. Army Military Guide to Terrorism in the 21st Century describes individual behaviors and lifestyle attractions that you may find useful in answering this question.

Articles for weekly assignment:

Fueling Terror: How Extremists Are Made…

A Military Guide to Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century (Pages 2-11 to 2-14) Attached below

Investigating Terrorism : Current Political, Legal and Psychological Issues…

Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Your initial post should be at least 350 words. Please respond to at least two other students. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words and include direct questions. You may challenge, support or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts and theories from the required readings. Also, do not be afraid to respectfully disagree where you feel appropriate; as this should be part of your analysis process at this academic level.

Student #1 Jacop

The required readings for this week, Fueling Terror: How Extremists Are Made and Understanding suicide terrorism: Insights from psychology, lessons from history, intriguingly discuss what fuels extremism and terrorism. Both works share a common message that terrorists are typically of sound mind and there is no “one size fits all” type of profile for terrorists; “The lesson from psychology is that there is no obvious suicide terrorist personality” (Silke, 2015, pg. 12). Reicher and Haslam conclude the elements of racialization include aspiration to belong, misrecognition, disengagement and disidentification while Silke relays similar conclusions (2016, para. 24).

The four components of belonging, misrecognition, disengagement, and disidentification are considered psychological steps that has the potential to create extremism. A sense of belonging is an extremely valuable tool for terrorist organizations as human beings instinctively need to be accepted by others. This need is fulfilled by terrorists through shared identity and group identity. Misrecognition is a form of alienation where authorities or a majority population perceive a minority population or a specific group as enemies or non-desirable members of society. “Having others misperceive or deny a valued identity—an experience we describe as misrecognition—systematically provokes anger and cynicism toward authorities” (Reicher, Haslam, 2016, para. 1). Finally, disengagement and disidentification involves actively disengaging from society and establishing a new persona. These psychological factors are exploited by radical leaders through propaganda.

Radical minority leaders use violence and hate to provoke majority authorities to institute a culture of surveillance against minority group members. This culture stokes misrecognition, which drives up disidentification and disengagement from the mainstream. And this distancing can make the arguments of the radicals harder to dismiss. Our point is that radical minority voices are not enough to radicalize someone, nor are the individual’s own experiences. What is potent, though, is the mix of the two and their ability to reinforce and amplify each other (Reicher, Haslam, 2016, para. 24).

These elements of radicalization are essentially the ingredients of a radicalization process without the narrative detailing a specific sequence of steps. Belonging, misrecognition, disengagement, and disidentification are essentially the rudimental components of terrorism consisting of grievances, the inability to better one’s situation, and a target group to project one’s anger towards. These three components are common in all extremists and terrorists. Interesting enough, these traits are also common in ordinary people who do not resort to terrorism.



Reicher, S., and Haslam, A. (2016). Fueling Terror: How Extremists Are Made. Retrieved from

Silke, A. (2015) ‘Understanding suicide terrorism: Insights from psychology, lessons from history’, in Pearse, John (ed.) Investigating Terrorism: Current Political, Legal and Psychological Issues. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 169-179. Retrieved from

Student #2 Joshua

This weeks reading was very interesting and fully brought to light for me how one could become radicalized. This weeks reading also challenged me to look past the preconceived notions that I formulated myself, and really think about the issue. When you break it down, such as they did, it completely makes sense that an individual could become radicalized, and really not think that they are. In their mind, they are doing what they feel is in the best interest of their beliefs or way of life.

According to the reading, one of the major factors is having a strong leader for people to follow. The leader in terrorist organizations is not so much the trigger puller or master mind behind the attacks that occur, but rather a figure in which they follow. The article talks about how this leader can assimilate the individual’s experiences to unify groups of individuals and create a purpose and an identity for the group. Because the leader is creating a group, this can give an individual a sense of acceptance and belonging that may have not been present prior to. A leader’s influence can become so “powerful” that the individual never has to see the person, physically, but his message is heard and felt, and therefore the individual begins to fall in line in his teaching. This creates a big problem for the United States, as lone wolf attacks are on the rise in our country. A great example of this can be seen with Osama bin Laden, who was the leader of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, who the United States has been at a steady war for seventeen years now. He inspired people to create and execute attacks, and many that his organization conducted he had no knowledge of but took credit for.

Propaganda is also a big way that these organizations recruit to join. It would not be hard for an organization to take quotes that were said by the U.S. government, and spin them into a manner in which it makes people believe that the United States is completely against them, and their way of life. As I sit in Afghanistan today, this becomes easier for me to understand, because I also understand the fact that many of the Afghani people are not educated to the same degree that we are in the United States, and further many of them do not have access to internet, television, and the media in the manner at which we do. When someone comes in and speaks of all of these horrible things that Americans are saying and doing, it would be easy for them to believe, because of lack of information. We as Americans have to be careful with our actions and our words, because just as much “ammo” as they are giving us with their actions, we are giving them with our response.

We see this on our own streets in America all of the time with gangs. These gang organizations target young people, who do not have much. They bring them into their gang and create a “family”. You have to show your commitment to them through running guns, selling drugs, fighting, murder, etc. Gang organizations are able to justify their actions because of poverty and the belief that no one is looking out for them. By breaking it down in that manner, and looking at it from that perspective, it made it easier for me to understand. My big question, and one that I hope this class will be able to give me a better understanding of is how do we defeat it? How do we really defeat an ideology?

I wish you all the best of luck as we start out this course, and I look forward to working with you all throughout.


Reicher, S. and Haslam, A. (2016). Fueling Terror: How Extremists Are Made. Retrieved on: 01 October 2018. Retrieved from:

please answer all the following questions

Respond to the questions in paragraph form. Use evidence from the document to support your generalizations

Post must be 280 words minimum-460 words maximum.
Post word count at the end of your post.
No headings or titles

Demonstrate your knowledge of the assigned website
All material must be in your own words.

No direct quotes over 1.5 sentences.
Two direct quotes maximum.

This will be checked for plagiarism

Show me you viewed the entire excerpt from the diary.
Your responses to each of the questions answered should be different.
Offer different illustrations and examples as your respond to each question.
Do not repeat the questions in your paper

Mary Chesnut’s diary

Crisis at Fort Sumter with background (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Use only this primary source
Do not use your text or outside sources or Internet sources
Do not write a paper on Mary Chesnut’s life or her diary.
Do not write about accomplishments of women or all women and the war.
Use the portion of the diary provided you to answer the questions below:

You are to analyze this document as an illustration on how the war impacted women you read about in the excerpt.

Respond to the questions in paragraph form.

1) What is the historical context or setting of the document? Include the specific date or time period of the source. What is going on in the nation? in South Carolina?
2) How did the coming of the war impact the women discussed in the document?

How did it change the lives of the women in the excerpt? Use illustrations from the excerpt
3) Did you notice a different role played by women compared to the men in the document?

4) How did reading this primary source aid your understanding of how the start of the war impacted women?

5) Do you think reading a source written by women offers a different perspective on events?

Use specific details from the document to answer the questions

Source : Mary Chesnut’s diary (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. gives background on Mary Chesnut and the excerpt from her diary.

Foro #5 FORO# 5

Para este foro deberás consultar los tres documentos colocados en el Tema 3(Ciencias Económicas) bajo Recursos. También puedes buscar información adicional en la Internet, y referenciar tu fuente. Coloca la referencia en formato APA, pues se penalizará sin opción a recalificar ese aspecto. En el curso hay un documento APA y si tienen dudas pueden preguntas antes. Luego de reflexionar sobre las dimensiones de la teoría económica, , comenta sobre el siguiente asunto:

Explica por qué la teoría económica supone que las necesidades y los deseos humanos son ilimitados frente a recursos limitados. Reflexiona sobre esa proposición…¿Estás de acuerdo o no? Justifica tu opinión.


Los Sistemas Economicos

En cualquier lugar y momento histórico, desde las comunidades primitivas hasta nuestros días, los seres humanos han tenido que dotarse de una serie de normas que regulen la vida en sociedad.

Actualmente es el poder político, en manos del Estado, el que establece el conjunto de leyes e instituciones que regulan la actuación de los agentes económicos y sus relaciones, condicionando sus decisiones y determinando el sistema económico.

La escasez de recursos y su posibilidad de usos alternativos, obliga a la sociedad a tomar decisiones sobre el destino de tales recursos, que pueden sintetizarse en tres cuestiones fundamentales:

Qué bienes y servicios producir y en qué cantidadCómo producir esos bienes, con qué tecnologíaPara quién producirlos

Las decisiones tomadas para dar respuesta a estas cuestiones tienen un claro componente político, y configuran el sistema económico de una sociedad. No es indiferente, por ejemplo, dedicar los recursos a fabricar armas o alimentos, a bienes privados o a servicios públicos.

En cuanto al cómo producir, aunque es una decisión en gran parte de naturaleza técnica, también lo es política: se produce respetando el medio ambiente o no, se explota a la fuerza de trabajo o no, etc.

Por último, la decisión sobre quién va a disfrutar de los bienes y servicios producidos vuelve a ser política: puede repartirse igualitariamente entre toda la sociedad, o sólo entre los que han trabajado, o entre quienes puedan pagar el precio correspondiente, o en función de las necesidades de cada uno.

En definitiva, lo que caracteriza básicamente a un sistema económico, es el mecanismo por el cual se toman las decisiones económicas anteriores, si bien



cada uno de estos mecanismos exige determinadas condiciones de propiedad de los factores productivos, y da lugar a unas relaciones entre los agentes económicos concretos. En este particular, los agentes económicos son los protagonistas de las actividades económicos, que somos todos los ciudadanos. Veamos tres de los sistemas económicos más pertinentes en nuestros objetivos de estudio:

1-El capitalismo o economía de mercado

Este sistema económico se caracteriza porque el mecanismo de toma de decisiones es el mercado, en el que se encuentran los consumidores y los productores y se establecen los precios de todos los intercambios: factores productivos, bienes y servicios. Estos precios juegan un papel fundamental como brújula que orienta las decisiones tanto de los consumidores como de las empresas, y determinan los bienes que se producen, la tecnología que se utiliza y el reparto de la producción.

El Estado no interviene directamente en la vida económica, limitándose a establecer las leyes e instituciones que permiten el libre funcionamiento de los mercados, entre ellas la existencia de la propiedad privada de los factores de producción, sin la cuál no podría existir este sistema económico.

Un ejemplo aclarará el funcionamiento del mercado como mecanismo de asignación de recursos o toma de decisiones. Pensemos en el mercado inmobiliario y su comportamiento en las dos últimas décadas, y observemos cómo se ha decidido qué y cuánto producir, cómo y para quién.

Qué producir: numerosas familias querían comprar un piso o un adosado, alentadas por la facilidad del crédito y las ventajas fiscales, y acudían a solicitarlos a las agencias inmobiliarias. Éstas trasladaban las solicitudes a los constructores o a los particulares que deseaban vender un piso. Esta información sobre los deseos de compra actuaba como señal para las empresas constructoras, que aprovechaban la posibilidad de aumentar sus beneficios construyendo nuevas urbanizaciones, que podían vender a precios cada vez mayores, dado el creciente número de peticiones de compra.


La decisión acerca del tipo de vivienda y la cantidad construida cada año es el resultado de la interacción de las solicitudes de los consumidores y la respuesta de las empresas a través del mercado. En el momento en que los consumidores reducen sus peticiones de vivienda, como ha ocurrido tras la crisis financiera, la respuesta de las constructoras es reducir su producción, acomodándola a los deseos de compra.

Cómo producir: en el sistema de mercado esta cuestión la resuelven las empresas guiadas por su objetivo de obtención de máximo beneficio, por lo que tienen en cuenta los precios de los bienes y los factores. Así las empresas constructoras han elegido mayoritariamente utilizar mano de obra de personas inmigrantes, dispuestas a vender su fuerza de trabajo en peores condiciones, ya que sus posibilidades de elección son menores que las de los nacionales.

Para quién producir: los precios resultantes de la interacción en el mercado de compradores y vendedores determinan para quién es el producto. Todo aquel que pueda pagar una vivienda la tendrá, pero no así los que no disponen de dinero suficiente para su compra. En España hemos visto lo desorbitado de los precios de este bien básico, que ha impedido que una parte importante de la población haya podido comprar un piso.

A. Smith, partidario del sistema de mercado libre, al que consideraba el “orden natural” de organización económica, utilizó la metáfora de la mano invisible para describir la asignación de recursos por el mercado, tal como se expresa en la siguiente cita extraída de La riqueza de las naciones (1776):

“Cada individuo está siempre esforzándose para encontrar la inversión másbeneficiosa para cualquier capital que tenga…] Al orientar esa actividad de modo que produzca un valor máximo, él busca sólo su propio beneficio, pero en este caso como en otros, una mano invisible lo conduce a promover un objetivo que no entraba en su propósitos…] Al perseguir su propio interés frecuentemente fomentará el de la sociedad mucho más eficazmente que si de hecho intentase fomentarlo.”


La metáfora de la “mano invisible” quiere decir que en el sistema de mercado no hay nadie concreto, ningún plan central, que decida lo que se va a producir y en qué cantidad. Los consumidores, mediante sus intenciones de compra, indican a las empresas lo que deben fabricar y llevar al mercado.

Junto con A. Smith, los defensores del liberalismo económico resaltan
como ventaja fundamental de este sistema la formación de los precios,
que proporcionan la información necesaria a los individuos para que tomen sus decisiones y actúan como incentivo para lograr la eficiencia, y no despilfarrar los recursos. Si, además, el número de empresas es suficientemente grande y existe competencia entre ellas, los precios serán los más bajos posibles, beneficiando los intereses de los consumidores. El resultado es el mayor bienestar social posible, a partir del egoísmo individual, de la búsqueda del interés propio. Todo ello acompañado de la máxima libertad individual: tanto los consumidores como las empresas eligen libremente qué consumir o qué producir, en función de sus preferencias y de sus presupuestos.

Los detractores del mercado libre, por su parte, señalan una serie de inconvenientes del sistema:

  •  El reparto desigual de la riqueza, de la propiedad de los factores productivos, conduce a una desigual distribución de la renta, que agranda las diferencias entre ricos y pobres.
  •  El mercado sólo es eficiente si existen muchas empresas que compiten entre sí. La realidad, sin embargo, muestra que las empresas se comportan estratégicamente para adquirir poder de mercado y evitar la competencia, guiadas por el objetivo de conseguir el máximo beneficio. La consecuencia es el dominio de los mercados por unas pocas empresas que llevan a situaciones ineficientes desde el punto de vista social y a un menor bienestar colectivo.
  •  La libertad de los consumidores es puesta en entredicho debido a dos factores: la capacidad de persuasión de la publicidad, que crea necesidades artificiales y la falta de libertad de los más pobres, que no tienen dinero para acudir al mercado.


2-La planificación central

En el extremo opuesto se encuentra el sistema económico de planificación central, en el que las decisiones fundamentales las toma la autoridad económica central, esto es, el Estado, que establece los precios de los factores productivos y de los bienes y servicios, dirige el funcionamiento de la economía y controla el poder económico. A través de la planificación económica se fijan los objetivos a alcanzar y se reparten las tareas entre las fábricas y centros de producción,
de propiedad estatal o colectiva.

Los bienes y servicios obtenidos se distribuyen entre todos los miembros de la sociedad. Bajo este sistema, por tanto, los agentes económicos básicos del mercado, los consumidores y las empresas, carecen de iniciativa y se limitan a cumplir con los planes estatales.

Desde un punto de vista político-ideológico este sistema se corresponde con la corriente marxista, y sus defensores destacan como principal
ventaja una distribución de la renta más igualitaria que en el sistema capitalista, asegurando trabajo, vivienda, educación y sanidad gratuitos para toda la sociedad. Los detractores del sistema, por su parte, señalan sus inconvenientes:

  •  El control estatal de los precios y los salarios elimina los incentivos del mercado, desmotivando a las empresas a reducir costes y a los trabajadores a aumentar su productividad. El resultado es la ineficiencia del sistema o despilfarro de recursos.
  •  La necesidad de coordinar y controlar toda la actividad económica de manera centralizada, exige un gran aparato administrativo, la Agencia Económica Central, y lleva a una burocratización creciente, con múltiples errores en la recogida de información y la consecuente planificación.
  •  La ausencia de libertad individual en la toma de decisiones económicas.


3-Sistemas económicos mixtos

Los dos sistemas económicos descritos son opuestos. Mientras en el sistema capitalista el protagonismo fundamental lo tienen los consumidores y las empresas a través del sistema de precios que fijan los mercados, en el sistema de planificación central es el Estado el protagonista absoluto de la organización económica.

Pero ambos sistema se han descrito teóricamente, en sentido puro. En la realidad, nunca han existido tales extremos. En las economías capitalistas, en menor o mayor medida, existen sectores donde el Estado cumple una función importante como regulador y corrector del mecanismo del mercado, y asume algunas actividades económicas a través de las empresas públicas.

De igual forma, en las economías de planificación central suelen dejarse parcelas gobernadas por el mercado. Lo que tenemos en la realidad son sistemas económicos mixtos que se acercan más o menos a los extremos expuestos.

Por ejemplo, el modelo económico de Estados Unidos se acerca más al sistema de mercado puro que los sistemas europeos, en los que tradicionalmente el Estado ha tenido un mayor protagonismo económico.

Un caso destacado de sistema económico mixto es el llamado Estado del Bienestar, dentro de las economías basadas en el mercado. Este modelo se ha desarrollado principalmente en los países del norte de Europa después de la segunda guerra mundial, inspirado por las ideas de Keynes. Se caracteriza por una fuerte intervención estatal en la vida económica, que persigue la protección social de todos los ciudadanos y una distribución de la renta más justa que la producida por el capitalismo puro. Políticamente se corresponde con la corriente de pensamiento socialdemócrata.


Resumen de los sistemas económicos

Una de las características relevantes que se desprende del estudio de los sistemas económicos es el papel que adopta en el mismo el Estado. Desde el capitalismo puro, en el que su intervención es prácticamente nula, hasta la planificación central, en la que es el protagonista absoluto, pasando por los distintos sistemas mixtos, más o menos próximos a los extremos.

A pesar de las diferencias existentes entre los distintos países, a lo largo de la historia del capitalismo se han sucedido épocas de mayor liberalismo y otras de gran intervencionismo estatal, en función de las condiciones económicas y de la ideología dominante.

Hasta la Gran Depresión de 1929, el Estado tuvo una intervención limitada al establecimiento de los derechos de propiedad y la provisión de bienes públicos básicos como las infraestructuras de comunicación y transporte o el ejército.

Después de la segunda guerra mundial, sin embargo, triunfaron las ideas keynesianas y los gobiernos de las economías occidentales tomaron un papel más activo en la vida económica: se nacionalizaron sectores básicos como la energía y el transporte aéreo y se construyó un sistema de protección social de los ciudadanos más débiles.

En la década de los años 70 del siglo XX, cuando la economía en estos países sufrió una fuerte crisis, se volvió a los planteamientos liberales y allaissez-fare, siguiendo las teorías del Premio Nobel de Economía M. Friedman, de la escuela de pensamiento monetarista: en mayor o menor medida los distintos gobiernos iniciaron el proceso contrario, privatizando las empresas públicas y desregulando los mercados.

Hoy día, tras el derrumbe de las economías comunistas y con el capitalismo mundial en crisis, estamos asistiendo a un retroceso de la protección social en la mayoría de los países desarrollados económicamente. El “rescate” de la banca


privada por parte del Estado, ha abierto el debate sobre el funcionamiento del sistema de mercado y el papel del sector público, pero da la impresión de que la crisis es también ideológica. Quizás sea el momento de una renovación del pensamiento económico

En la siguiente tabla se resumen los tres sistemas económicos estudiados y los mecanismos que utilizan para tomar las decisiones sobre qué, cómo y para quién producir.


Referencia: Los sistemas económicos, elaborado por Maite Barneto Carmona, Profesora de Economía, I.E.S. Navarro Villoslada, Pamplona. Recuperado de agentes-y-los-sistemas-economicos/4-los-sistemas-economicos.



Need Help with this Discussion Question

At the end of A Doll’s House, how has Nora’s character undergone a dynamic shift (a permanent change in her character)? What evidence from the play supports your claim?

Remember that you are writing an objective analysis, not a personal opinion or review. To that end, you should be using the third person. Please refer to the sections of our textbook that refer to the academic voice needed when analyzing literature.


  • Your post must be at least 400 words.
  • You should be specific and reference details from the play for your answer.
  • Your post must demonstrate your understanding of the topic.
  • You must use full sentences and proper grammar.

Would Kant have approved of the Ayala’s reasons for conceiving Marissa-Eve?

For this assignment carefully read “Case 2: The Ayala Case” from Burnor & Raley Ch. 8, p. 171.

Would Kant have approved of the Ayala’s reasons for conceiving Marissa-Eve? Why or why not?

You should include items 3,4 & 5 from the Guidelines for Case Study Analysis (B&R pp. xxiii-xxiv) in your answer. Your answer must apply one the formulations of Kant’s Categorical Imperative as the moral principle for Item 3 from the Case Study Guidelines. Do not forget to include item 5, “Explain why other possible responses are not as acceptable.”

Your response should be at least 3 well developed paragraphs (100

words or more each). Use in-text citations for any quotations you use.

History of Disability

Assignment #2: History of Disability Directions


For this assignment you are required to write a paper exploring the history of developmental disabilities using the “Parallels in Time: A History of Developmental Disabilities” website: Be sure to use appropriate, respectful language throughout your paper.

Your assignment should include the following components:

  1. A minimum 500-word Summary discussing the 3 topics/time periods of your choice (You can choose from Part 1 or 2). Please titleeach section in your summary; and
  2. A minimum 250- word Personal Reaction about what you learned and how you felt learning about the treatment and history of people with developmental disabilities; and
  3. A minimum of 250-word responseon How This Relates to The Course information covered so far.

Formatting your paper (See page 2 for example)

  • Times New Roman, Size 12 font
  • Double-Spaced
  • 1.0 Margins
  • Indention first sentence of each paragraph
  • Title for each section (Summary, Personal Reflection, How Information Relates to the Course)

Submitting your paper:

You must upload your assignment to Blackboard using the “Submit” button in the “Assignments” folder. We will not accept email attachments or links to a digital dropbox file under any circumstances. Please contact your instructors if you have any problems.

3 page paper in apa about women in politics


“For each assignment, please write an essay of at least three pages in length (APA, 6th ed., format, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, for example).Each essay should have a considerable research component using at least three sources, and should not contain only your opinion – if there is not a considerable research-component, your paper is incomplete, and your grade will reflect this.Please provide a works-cited page at the end of your essay (which is not part of the three page minimum).Please use articles (papers) and/or scholarly books in addition to trustworthy online sources (the official website of …).

Assignment D:Women in Politics

Choose a woman in politics; either from the list below or an alternative (please check with me if you want to focus on an alternate candidate).

How has the gender of the politician you choose shaped her political beliefs and actions?How has her gender shaped her career, positively or negatively?How has feminism shaped her career?Explain.

Benazir Bhutto

Indira Ghandi

Golda Meir

Corazon Aquino

Margaret Thatcher

Emma Goldman

Shirley Chisholm

Jeannette Rankin

Alice Paul

Madeleine Albright

Condoleezza Rice

Barbara Jordan

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Portia Simpson Miller

Sarah Palin

Ellen Johnson-


King Peggy

Eva Peron

Angela Merkel

Megawati Sukarnoputri

How was this woman treated, by the press and the public in her particular country?Divide this treatment into gender = how was she treated by men, vs. by women?What can be said about this treatment of women in any particular country or culture?What can be done to improve any poor treatment of female political candidates?

Do you think women’s participation in politics is vital for a “modern” and “industrialized” nation?If so, why?If not, why not?What is the percentage of women who participate in high political office in the USA?Why do you think females are not participating in politics in the same numbers as males in the USA?What can be done to change this trend?What would you do to help change this trend in the USA?Be sure to incorporate at least three scholarly sources into your essay.”

Analysis of The Affordable Care Act

This paper has already been started but I am not on track with format and did not follow the required outline.

Reflect on what you have learned about the key structures, systems, roles, and processes that embody our national government. Think about the strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages, and positive and negative impacts of these aspects of our democracy. Use what you have learned so far to evaluate a specific policy of our national government and recommend ways to enhance what works and repair what is not working well. It is important that your Final Paper utilizes your previous research and assignments, including the feedback that you received from the Ashford Writing Center in Week 4. The assignment should also showcase what you have learned in the course. While your previous assignments will serve as a strong base for this assignment, it is very important that you implement feedback from your instructor and the Ashford Writing Center, as well as further expand on the material. Appropriate transitions and headings are needed to ensure a cohesive Final Paper.

The Final Paper should utilize the Final Paper template (see attachment) and be at least six pages in length (not including title page and references) and based on your previously submitted assignments. It is important to utilize APA Style Elements headings for major sections of your paper in order to ensure that the paper is easy to follow.

Scaffold the paper around the following outline:

Title page

Introduction (half page)

Describe the paper’s overall thesis.

Provide an overview of main points.

First Main Point (one to one and a half pages) describes the historical and Constitutional basis of American government’s structure and how this relates to the policy.

Describe the main point.

Support the main point with research.

Second Main Point (one to one and a half pages) explains how the policy is involved within the process of checks and balances.

Describe the main point.

Support the main point with research.

Third Main Point (one to one and a half pages) describes how the policy relates to public policy and elections and how the policy is portrayed by the media.

Describe the main point.

Support the main point with research.

Fourth Main Point (one to one and a half pages) explains how the policy impacts voting and the election process.

Describe the main point.

Support the main point with research.


Review your main points.

Review your overall thesis.

References page

The Final Paper Assignment

Must be at least six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must use at least 8 scholarly sources in addition to the course text. A minimum of five of the resources must be from peer-reviewed scholarly sources

Annotated Bibliography and Rough Draft (attached) with Feedback that must be taken into consideration. There is a very specific outline that must be followed for this research paper and a crtical part of this writing request.

Describes the ideal Mexico..

Write a five-page paper that describes the ideal Mexico that the articles of the Constitution of 1917 hoped to create. Submit paper to Canvas by midnight on Thursday November 1. Paper needs to be five full pages. Paper must draw on Mexican Mosaic, relevant articles from the Constitution, and nothing else.


  • You may use lecture notes for context (no need to cite lecture). Do not use any other sources (books, internet, etc.).


  • Paper needs to four full pages minimum and five pages maximum.
  • Double space, one-inch margins all around, 11 or 12-point font.
  • Put your name and the date (single-spaced) in the top left-hand corner of the first page only.
  • Place your paper’s title in 14-point font on the top of the first page. Think of a title that reflects your paper’s argument.
  • Eliminate the extra space between paragraphs (in “Format,” choose “paragraph,” and check box that says “Don’t add space between paragraphs of same style.”
  • No cover sheet.
  • Number every page on upper right-hand corner.

Spelling and Grammar: One point will be deducted for each spelling and grammar mistake.

  • In Spelling and Grammar Preferences in Micro Soft Word set “writing style” to “formal.” For PCs, set to “check style” and place checkmarks in all of the stylistic features. Make sure to fix problems indicated by red or green lines.

Writing: Observing these tips will significantly improve your paper and grade.

  • Write a clear introduction that catches the reader’s attention, previews your entire paper, and gives an indication of your particular argument or focus. It is often easiest to write your introduction after writing the rest of the paper.
  • Jump write into the topic at hand. Don’t begin with a broad, universal generalization (“From the dawn of time… the struggle between good and evil has shaped human nature”).
  • Use concrete examples to support your points.
  • Write paragraphs around a single, specific idea, clearly expressed in a topic sentence.
  • Concluding paragraph should tie the paper together. Restate argument and show how the evidence in paper supports argument.


  • Be sure to cite direct quotations as well as ideas and points you draw from the sources, even when you do not use their exact words. NOT CITING WILL DRASTICALLY LOWER YOUR GRADE.
  • Since your paper will draw on a single source, cite by placing the page number (only the number) between parentheses at the end of the sentence, before the period.

    When referring to concepts in the book without repeating exact language, cite as follows:
    The concept of calidad included several factors (9).

    When using repeats exact language from the book, cite as follows:
    Francisca attributed her daughter’s behavior to the workings of “a diabolic entity” (177).

  • Important note: Quote the words of the people and documents discussed in the book, but avoid quoting the author’s words directly. In general, keep quotations to a minimum. No quote should exceed two lines. Try to incorporate quotations into your own sentences, as shown in the second example above.