The Journal tab is located on the toolbar next to the Dropbox. Please write your responses there.


Each week from units 1-10, you will practice your informal writing skills by writing in a journal. Your journal assignments will not only give you more experience with writing but they will also offer you an opportunity to write without the stress often associated with “graded” writing. As long as you respond to the topic and explain or clarify your ideas and submit your journal on time, you will receive full points for each journal submission. You will not receive extensive feedback on these journal entries, nor will they be graded for grammar. Your journal entries will not be read by classmates, only by your professor, so think of them as being informal pieces of writing that are intended for you to express yourself, an opportunity for you to think about yourself as a writer. Each journal assignment should be at least a paragraph, but feel free to write more than that, if you are inspired by the topic!

The Journal tab is located on the toolbar next to the Dropbox. Please write your responses there.

Unit 1 Journal

  • Reflect on each leading health indicator noted in      Healthy People 2020. What do you view as barriers to achievement of      success with these indicators?
  • What are you currently doing well and what would you      change tomorrow to better support change to achieve the leading health      indicators for Healthy People 2020?

View the Journal Grading Rubric on the Grading Rubrics page under the Course Home.